Oxfam Emergency Response

Disasters caused by conflict and climate chaos are having a devastating effect on communities globally. Donate to our Emergency Fund to provide vital support that enables people to get their lives back – fast.

What we're doing

  • Nuts and other food items in bags inside a box

    Community led response

    We work in partnership with local organisations so that we can adapt our response fast. For example, in Ukraine our partners are providing essential items like food parcels, blankets, menstrual products, toothbrushes and nappies.

  • Women's hands holding each other

    Providing shelter to families made homeless

    When natural disasters strike, or communities are destroyed by conflicts, Oxfam provides support for those who have lost everything.

  • Bottles of cooking oil

    Providing food to people in extreme weather events

    Many parts of the world are in the grip of a devastating food crisis. Oxfam is there to provide life-saving support.

Oxfam's Emergency Fund allows us and our partners to respond rapidly to natural disasters and emergency situations. Make a donation today and help us respond around the world, around the clock.