We believe in a fairer world. We know you do too.

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Taking on the inequality behind poverty can feel like a lot. But we’ve each got an important part to play. A fairer world will take us all, so together we must act. Because there is no them, just us.

What part will you play?

A fairer world for everyone

From 1942 until today, we’ve fought against injustice. We believe everyone matters equally. So everyone should have enough to thrive, not just survive.

Across the world we’ve seen the beauty in community. How people lean on each other during difficult times. Because strength flourishes through unity not division.

We’re all children, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and everything in between. We are all human. That should be enough to guarantee a decent life.

That’s where you come in

We know poverty is created by some, to benefit a few. It’s powered by inequality – and it’s time that changed.

If you’re here, reading this, you have a part to play in building a fairer world. You’ve got the power to create change. That’s pretty special.

We can’t redo the past, and we don’t know what the future holds. But the time is now, and one thing’s for sure: our greatest strength lies in the power of us… so let’s get to work.

The power of us

You, me, us, we — together we’re a global community dedicated to building a fairer world. Join us by donating, campaigning, shopping, volunteering or leaving a gift in your Will today.