Photo: Sam Baggette / Oxfam

Ajay Ramtohul, Liv Anthony-Uzoeto and Jason Ratcliffe stewarding in the Metropolis area at Boomtown Festival 2024
Ajay Ramtohul, Liv Anthony-Uzoeto and Jason Ratcliffe stewarding in the Metropolis area at Boomtown Festival 2024

Face to face and telephone fundraising

These methods of fundraising are some of the most cost-effective ways of recruiting and engaging regular supporters: they give us an excellent opportunity to connect with the public and raise money to help millions of people every year.

We have our own in house fundraising team, and we also work with specialist agencies, who help us coordinate and carry out our campaigns. All fundraisers undergo thorough training prior to starting work. Our fundraisers are very passionate about Oxfam and work hard to introduce and explain our work to people in a variety of settings, such as a conversation on the street, door to door, in a shopping centre, or in a phone call.

These methods of fundraising are a great way to raise awareness of the work Oxfam does. We understand that you might want to know more about these fundraising techniques, and we hope you will find all the information you need in our FAQs below.

Yes, the Fundraising Regulator is the regulatory body for fundraising in the UK. Oxfam is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and complies with all aspects of the Code of Fundraising Practice.

Yes - Oxfam's Fundraising Policy can be found on this page of our website.

Oxfam's approach to fundraising is driven by the 3 principles set out below:

  • Fairness - treating all members of the public fairly and respectfully. This means respecting the wishes and preferences of supporters, empowering them to make a difference in the world while being mindful of and sensitive to any particular need that a supporter may have. 
  • Inclusiveness - we are open to everyone and embrace diversity. We believe everyone has a contribution to make change happen, regardless of visible and invisible differences. In making fundraising appeals the rights and dignity of our partners must be upheld at all times.
  • Accountability - it is up to all fundraisers to take responsibility and care to ensure that their fundraising is delivered to a high standard. We re-invest a small part of our donations into fundraising to secure future income. 

Yes. All of our fundraisers are professionally trained throughout the year, as we want them to be knowledgeable ambassadors who confidently represent Oxfam, and are trained to be compliant with the Fundraising Regulator's Code of Practice. We trust our fundraisers to speak to thousands of people in all parts of the country every year, and we take pride in their enthusiasm, dedication and professionalism.

We constantly monitor our fundraisers' behaviour and performance. We want to ensure they represent Oxfam's values when talking to the public and adhere to all regulations relating to Fundraising and Data Protection as specified by the Fundraising Regulator and the Information Commissioner. Every complaint is taken very seriously and individually dealt with, and actions are taken to prevent it from happening again.

We want you to feel comfortable about the legitimacy of our representatives. Here we have listed some details that will help you to identify a genuine Oxfam fundraiser.

Oxfam street and private site fundraisers will:

  • Display an Oxfam identification badge with their name and photo.
  • Have clear Oxfam branding on clothing and supporting material.
  • Never ask for a cash donation (they are only allowed to ask for donations through Direct Debit or mobile giving).

Oxfam telephone fundraisers will:

Call you from one of the following phone numbers:

01865 537010

01865 537060

01865 537340

01865 537779

01865 575035

01865 575251

01865 638132

01865 638547

  • Start the call by saying that they are calling on behalf of Oxfam.
  • Where a donation (or regular gift) is taken during the call, they will also state that they are paid fundraisers working for a professional fundraising agency.

If you are still unsure and you want to know whether we called your number or had fundraisers in your area, email our Supporter Relations team at or call 0300 200 1300.

Our street fundraisers are not allowed to ask for, or accept, cash donations; they are only allowed to ask for donations through Direct Debit or mobile giving. These are the most effective ways of giving to charity, as they reduce administration costs and generate a steady and reliable stream of income, allowing us to plan for our long-term projects and make a real and lasting difference to millions of people's lives. However, every contribution is very valuable to our work. If you still wish to make a single donation, you can donate online or call our Supporter Relations team on 0300 200 1300.

If a fundraiser asked you for cash they may not be genuine so please report this to our Supporter Relations team by calling 0300 200 1300 or emailing

Please note that we also have volunteer fundraisers who organise collections on streets or in private venues. They will be collecting cash and will never ask for bank details, and they should have a letter of authorisation from Oxfam.

We take the security of your personal details extremely seriously and have measures in place to protect them. Please be assured that we will not, under any circumstances, share your data with anyone for marketing purposes and you will not receive offers from other companies or organisations as a result of giving your details to us.

If you have chosen to support us by Direct Debit you will receive a letter from us confirming your details and notifying you of the amount and date your donation will reach us.

You can also cancel a Direct Debit at any time by writing to your bank or building society, or by getting in touch with our Supporter Relations team by emailing or calling 0300 200 1300.

Our privacy policy contains more information about how we use your personal details.

We screen our calling lists against the TPS and FPS before any calling campaign. People registered with the FPS are excluded from all marketing, and we do not call anyone who has signed up to TPS unless they have previously provided explicit consent for us to use that number for marketing purposes.

That's great! If after talking to our fundraiser you would like to set up a regular contribution to Oxfam, you can do so on our website, or call our Supporter Relations team on 0300 200 1300 and donate over the phone, or ask for a Direct Debit form to be sent to you via post.

If you don't feel it's the right moment for you to commit to a regular donation, but you would still like to support us, you can find other ways to donate. And if you want to have fun and meet great people, while still supporting a great cause, we definitely have something for everyone's taste!

We always welcome feedback as they help us to improve and offer a better experience to our supporters. You can get in touch with our helpful Supporter Relations team on 0300 200 1300 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, or email us at If you are getting in touch with feedback about one of our fundraisers, it would be extremely helpful if you could provide us with as many details as possible (date and time, location, fundraiser's description).

If you have other questions about Oxfam's fundraising, please get in touch with our helpful Supporter Relations team on 0300 200 1300 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, or email us at

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