- Oxfam Media Centre
- Charity Commission Report
- Safeguarding summit
- Haiti investigation report
- Report Misconduct speak up
- Safeguarding in our Shops
Photo credit: Veronica Mwale/Oxfam

Report Misconduct speak up
At Oxfam, it is vital that everyone who works for us maintains the highest standards of conduct, integrity and ethics, and complies with local legislation.
Ways to report misconduct (whistleblowing)
If an employee, volunteer, partner, consultant or contractor suspects misconduct has, or is about to occur, we encourage them to communicate their suspicions without fear of reprisals and in the knowledge that they will be protected from victimisation and dismissal.
Safeguarding concerns, fraud/corruption concerns and human resources (HR) related misconduct can be reported via email (speakup@oxfam.org.uk) or online:
Any person not connected to Oxfam can also report misconduct via these channels. Be advised that if insufficient information is provided this may affect our capacity to investigate the matter.
Please see the data protection notice for information on how your information will be processed.
All concerns will be reviewed by the Integrity and Intelligence Team before being allocated to the appropriate team to investigate – HR, Safeguarding, Anti-Corruption.
For further information about the investigation process or for advice you can contact the investigation team via:
Related policies and links
- Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse policy (PDF, 333KB)
- Survivor policy (PDF, 169KB)
- Oxfam's Code of Conduct
- How we are keeping people safe
- Safeguarding in shops
- Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption policy (PDF, 211kb)
- Data privacy notice
- Anti-Terrorism Financing and Financial Crime Policy (PDF, 245KB)
- Conflict of interest policy (PDF, 116kb)