- How we work
- Oxfam's CEO, Directors and Trustees
- Plans, reports and policies
- Working at Oxfam
- Keeping people safe
- History of Oxfam
- Frequently asked questions
- Where we work
- Oxfam: the story so far
- Tackling abuse: Information and updates
- The Inclusive Language Guide: When we include everyone we can overcome poverty
- Oxfam and the private sector
- Oxfam Scotland

Photo: Samuel Nacar / Oxfam Intermón
Oxfam and the private sector
Oxfam recognises that companies have a significant role to play in the fight against poverty and inequality.
Where possible, we collaborate with business recognising that a vibrant, thriving, accountable and responsible private sector can be a powerful force for good. But where companies fail to meet their social and environmental responsibilities and threaten the wellbeing of marginalised people and communities, we will also strongly challenge them, and push for robust standards and legislation to tackle bad practice.
We want to harness the power of business
We call upon companies to take action to respect human rights and the planet, in line with international standards and commitments, and collaborate on programs to ensure women and marginalised communities in global supply chains can access their rights and thrive.
Where business practices are harming the most vulnerable, we speak out and campaign for change.
Where there is an intent to address these complex problems, we work with companies to create lasting solutions and can provide advice on key aspects of social sustainability.
We also advocate for more progressive policies, practices, and business models from both the private sector and governments.
We have worked on sustainability in sectors such as fashion, food and beverage, finance and consumer goods, and our experience with partners in around 80 countries means we can work at scale.
Oxfam uses different approaches to engage with business

Advocacy and campaigns. Our multifaced approach to business engagement includes influencing the policies and practices of companies as well as the rules and regulations that govern the private sector. We leverage multi stakeholder forums to establish best practices. We do all this by investing in equal partnerships with communities and organisations and act in solidarity with others to hold the private sector to account.

Corporate partnerships. We work with companies to drive social impact at scale - utilising the knowledge, expertise, influence, in-kind capability and funding support to create and deliver impactful partnerships together with communities and local partners. Learn more about our approach.

Advisory services. Oxfam Business Advisory Service supports companies to strengthen their human rights and build fair, resilient, and sustainable supply chains. We provide practical guidance and advice on the issues that matter to customers, investors, and workers, and can support on a range of projects, from planning and strategy to on the ground implementation. Learn more about Advisory services.

Through our own operations. We are committed to aligning our own operations and supply chains with our vison, mission and values and publicly reporting our learning. Read more on Oxfam's corporate responsibility.