Nicky, Legacy pledger and Oxfam supporter, sits smiling on a dry stone wall. Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam.
What I’m trying to do is make the best use of the small amount I have to give”
Nicky's Oxfam legacy
My connection to Oxfam
It’s important to me that Oxfam have focused a lot on women rights. After volunteering as a teacher in East Africa and later being a teacher trainer in various countries, it became clear to me very early on that supporting women’s rights has the greatest effect on any community. We’ve known for a long time that if you support a woman there’s a knock-on to a whole community for generations after that.
I just bought a new house, so I have made a new Will and I’m very pleased to say Oxfam is in it. What I’m trying to do, I think is make the best use of the small amount I have to give. It’s not huge things – it’s a small village business that brings money into that woman’s home and sends her kids to school. Those kids then get to be a teacher or have their own business or be Prime Minister, or whatever. What bigger gift could you give really?
Why Oxfam?
Oxfam is an organisation I have always trusted. I feel a massive happiness that I am not just leaving money to my family who are well set up but that I am doing it for people I don’t know. I really feel strongly about leaving something to people who’ll never know who I am, but they’ll know someone, somewhere was bothered about them.