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People's Postcode Lottery
The players of People’s Postcode Lottery have been supporting Oxfam GB since 2011, raising an incredible £18.7 million for us so far.
Together, we’re supporting our partners leading change in some of the toughest and most fragile places on earth – responding to emergencies, rebuilding peace, tackling climate change, and defending women’s rights.
Nombe about to draw water from a tap supplied with water by a system set up by Oxfam. Image: Arlette Bashizi/Oxfam

Postcodes against poverty
Thanks to the support of players of People’s Postcode Lottery, alongside our partners, we were able to supply handwashing stations and clean water to communities we work with across nine countries – protecting people against COVID-19 and diarrheal diseases like cholera and helping keep them well.
Thanks to players, we have provided vital aid to more than 2 million people affected by the Ukraine crisis, through a humanitarian response led by 40 community organisations across Ukraine, Poland, Romania and Moldova.
Together with our Women’s Rights Fund partners, we have supported community-led solutions addressing women’s rights issues, including providing emergency aid, access to healthcare, support to survivors of violence, tackling the gap in mental health support for women and girls, and more.
Seeing them [the women] change from having depression, anxiety, PTSD…and moving on to be champions in their own right…for us is a win.”
Maureen Amuhinda (Programme Lead), Badili Africa, Kenya.
Oxfam believes that poverty is an injustice that can and must be overcome – so everyone has the power to thrive, not just survive. That’s why players’ support is so important. Together, we are working with thousands of communities across the world driving positive change for a kinder and fairer world.