Misheck Kamau/Oxfam

Asha, Masu, Fatuma of Uye women group

Thank you

Thank you for your support during Oxfam’s Regular Giving month in February.

If you still wish to support our vital work, you can set up a regular gift to help us plan ahead and direct funds where they’re needed the most.

  • Hunger is on the rise. And so is the price of food.
  • Climate change and ongoing conflicts are driving prices higher and higher. And that means everything costs more - from food packages in Gaza to farming training courses in Kenya.
  • That's why we're asking for your help. Regular income is key to planning ahead - we need more people to start a regular gift so communities can keep doing whatever it takes to tackle hunger and plan for the future too​​​​.

Conflict and the climate crisis are fuelling extreme hunger

Petterik Wiggers/Oxfam

Food supplies

In the Afar region of Ethiopia, severe drought and conflict has left thousands of people displaced and facing hunger. Extreme weather has fuelled relentless price increases, with food inflation reaching 22.7% in 2024. Oxfam is working with local partner Afar Pastoralist Development Association (APDA) to bring food supplies to people who urgently need them, and train health extension workers like Fatuma to tackle malnutrition in her community.


In the region, pastoralist communities, who herd livestock, are amongst those most at threat. They have been able to move around freely for generations but their nomadic way of life is increasingly under threat due to climate change. In the long-term, APDA is helping pastoralist communities find new livelihoods like horticulture, as herding livestock is becoming more and more difficult due to drought and flash floods. But right now, Fatuma says that more rations are needed.

Petterik Wiggers/Oxfam

If we could get more assistance here, with good rations, it would help many people. We need more food.”

Fatuma Humad, Ethiopia

​​​​​With droughts on the rise, we need to stand with communities as they face hunger head-on.

Your regular gift could make ​​​​a dual impact by ​​​​bringing food supplies to health extension workers, ​​​​and help communities adapt in the face of climate change.

Micheck Kamau/Oxfam

Women adapting to the climate crisis

​Over the past few years, people in Kenya have ​​​​faced extreme price rises. Now, in Marsabit County, climate change is adding even more strain. As rains become unpredictable, both droughts and flooding are making crop failure more common, leaving farming communities uncertain about their future.

In response to these issues, women in the area, like Masu (pictured), formed the Manyata Council Women Group. Together, they set up an association that allows members to contribute and borrow money, and a social fund to support members during emergencies.

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Sustainable future

After reaching out for support from Pastoralist Community Initiative and Development Assistance (PACIDA), an Oxfam partner organisation, the women received ​training on financial management. They also received ​practical support digging an irrigation pond, creating a more reliable water supply. These changes will help make sure ​​climate driven droughts don’t impact their crops as much.

As part of the Uye women group, Masu also learned how to turn excess produce from her farm into jam so she has something to ​​​​​​sell during the dry periods when harvests are low.

​​Those that are the least responsible for the climate crisis are facing its biggest impacts right now. The work of Masu and her fellow group members is vitally important to build a sustainable future for themselves and their families. But, with more droughts and floods on the horizon, more communities in Kenya need investment so they can plan for their future.

Training like this can transform lives for the long term, but more funding is needed to make it happen. Regular gifts make long-term planning like this possible – will you start your impact by setting one up today?