Act in unity with our global movement

With all of us acting together for a fairer world, people are increasingly able to overcome the complex crises they face as a result of climate change, conflict and the cost of living.

In Jarar District, Ethiopia, Nasri (pictured above) hopes rain will nourish her family’s sorghum field. Climate-induced drought, made worse by ongoing conflict and high food prices, has left over 31 million people across East Africa facing severe hunger.

We’re supporting efforts by local organisations that are advocating for governments and others to respond to the impacts of climate change, while also investing in programs and services that fight inequality and help people improve their lives over the long term and reduce their vulnerability to climate change.

While things are difficult for so many people around the world, this global community, including people like you, are pushing our movement for justice forward. We hope you enjoyed reading VOICES magazine and that it inspired you to continue fighting for equality.