What do we all need to thrive?
Think about what you value the most
- What do you think is important in life?
- What things do we all need?
- We've put together some activity ideas to help you think about what you value the most.
Activity: Sorting needs and wants
- Think about what we all need to do well in life – to grow, thrive and be happy. You might like to write down or draw your ideas.
- Print out a copy of the Sorting needs and wants activity sheet. If you don't have a printer, copy the cards onto sticky notes or small pieces of paper.
- Cut out and sort the cards into a diamond with the item you think is most important at the top and the least important item at the bottom. Two cards have been left blank in case you would like to add your own ideas. There are no right or wrong answers – it is up to you to rank the cards as you think best.
- Talk to someone about your ideas.
- How did you decide which picture to put at the top/bottom of your diamond?
- What is the difference between something you ‘need’ and something you ‘want’?
- Do you think these are all things we ‘need’ or are some of them ‘wants’?
- Can you think of anything else that you ‘need’ to thrive in life?

Activity: Everybody eat, drink, earn and learn
Watch this short video clip then think about the questions below.
- What do you see people doing?
- Do you do any of these activities?
- What is the same about these people’s lives and your own life? What is different?
- Which countries do you think these people might be in? Why do you think this?
Talk about your ideas with someone else.
There are four groups of activities being shown in the film: eating, drinking, earning and learning. We all need these things to do well in life.
* A list of the countries shown in the film is provided in the Film country information sheet.
Activity: Create a family values tree
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the lives of everyone. Many of the things that we once took for granted such as meeting up with friends and family or going to school have been restricted.
What is a Family Values Tree?
Reflect on your own or as a family on what is important. Create a values tree – write or draw the things you feel are most important on the leaves. Perhaps you could add new leaves to the tree each week. Take time as a family to look at the leaves and share your thoughts and ideas.
Further learning
Explore the work of Oxfam
With links to English, geography and citizenship, these thought-provoking activities for ages 8-14 explore how Oxfam is working with people around the world to help create a fairer, kinder and more sustainable future for everyone.
Children's Rights
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was agreed by governments worldwide in 1989. These rights describe what every child needs to survive, grow and live to their full potential. All children have these rights, wherever they live in the world. However, many children in the UK and around the world are unable to access everything that they need.
Our Children's Rights resource for ages 8-11 includes real-life case studies from Syria, Uganda and Sierra Leone, as well as exciting activities to develop learners' spoken language, reading and writing skills.