- Our work with schools
- What is global citizenship?
- Global citizenship guides
- Support for educators
Photo: M. Nugie and Andito Wasi/Oxfam.

Support for educators
There’s a huge range of organisations and networks across the UK providing support for global citizenship education. Here are a few links which may be useful.
- The Global Dimension website has links to hundreds of global learning resources from different organisations and publishers, including Oxfam. They also have a monthly newsletter and a handy calendar of global days and events.
- TEESNet (Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network) aims to develop a UK wide community of practice in Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship within teacher education in higher education and schools, that shares research and practice to develop new understanding across the sector in the UK and beyond.
- The Consortium of Development Education Centres (CODEC) is a network of local providers supporting and delivering global learning in schools and communities
- Our Shared World brings a large network of individuals and organisations advocating for and supporting the realisation of SDG4.7 across England by 2030, with the aim of creating a more sustainable, fairer, peaceful and resilient world.
- Oxfam Scotland supports the IDEAS Global Citizenship network and regional Global Learning Centres to implement global citizenship in schools.
- The Wales Alliance for Global Learning, chaired by the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, is a network of more than 70 organisations and individuals supporting the development of global learning education in Wales.
Northern Ireland
- Based in Belfast, the Centre for Global Education aims to raise awareness of global issues and encourage action towards social change – organising events, delivering training and producing education resources.