Join Oxfam to fight for a fairer, more equal world
Add your name to fight back against the inequality crisis we’re in.
- The richest 1% can’t keep being allowed to get richer
- People around the world can’t keep sliding deeper into poverty
- Add your name now if you agree a fairer, more equal world is possible
Add your name to fight back against the inequality crisis we’re in.
- The richest 1% can’t keep being allowed to get richer
- People around the world can’t keep sliding deeper into poverty
- Add your name now if you agree a fairer, more equal world is possible
This inequality crisis has been caused by an unequal system where a privileged few hold power over choices that affect us all. But, it doesn’t have to be this way - Governments and institutions the world-over could make better choices to benefit us all. But we need to join together to push for change.
Add your name now to join our global community campaigning together to end inequality.
What does inequality look like?
Since 2020, the richest 1% have been allowed to accumulate $26 trillion in new wealth - nearly twice as much as the rest of us. Read our latest report headlines.
We’ve all noticed rising prices and some of us are really struggling with energy and food costs, while companies have been allowed to make record profits. If you live in a country already affected by colonisation, war or extreme weather, the impact of further shocks hit hard. The impact is greater and recovery is so much tougher.
How can it change?
The unequal system we live in can change. Governments and institutions the world over could make better choices to benefit us all. They could choose people and the planet over profit. Peace over conflict. Unity over division.
Politicians are there to represent the views of the people they serve. By standing together and demanding change, we can put an end to this inequality crisis.
What can you do?
A more equal world is possible if we join together and push for choices that value all people, no matter what. Because we believe in an equal future where there is no them, just us.
If you’ve had enough of this broken system that favours the few at the expense of us all, join us in calling for change.