“We have a vision to grow bigger” Magdelene, Sierra Leone. Credit:Nana Kofi Acquah/Oxfam. Perk, graphic designer and climate activist. Credit:Oxfam. Rowena planting mangrove saplings in a restoration project, Phillippines. Credit:Elizabeth Stevens/Oxfam.

Make polluters pay
The biggest climate polluters must foot the bill for a better future
- The biggest emitters of pollution are being let off the hook for the climate damage they’re causing to communities around the world.
- Fairly taxing them last year could have raised an extra £23 billion to combat the climate crisis.
- We need action now. This would create enough funding to support us all – in the UK and across the world.
The biggest climate polluters must foot the bill for a better future
- The biggest emitters of pollution are being let off the hook for the climate damage they’re causing to communities around the world.
- Fairly taxing them last year could have raised an extra £23 billion to combat the climate crisis.
- We need action now. This would create enough funding to support us all – in the UK and across the world.
Thank you for calling for the biggest and richest polluters to pay.
Thank you to the 180,401 of you who signed our petition to former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, calling on him to fairly tax the biggest and richest polluters.
We need urgent action from our leaders and we’re keeping up the pressure for climate justice in 2024. Sign up to be part of our campaign and be the first to hear about our new campaign actions.

This page was produced with the financial support of the European Union. The contents of this page are the sole responsibility of Oxfam Great Britain and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.