Secret Supper Club
Break bread, make memories, unite for a fairer world
Sign up today and you’ll receive…
- Exclusive discount to our online shop, to get your hands on some Sourced by Oxfam goodies, you might like to use some in your recipe!
- Your own invitation to share
- Your own poster
- A secret recipe from Oxfam
How it works
- Pick a date and invite all your food-loving friends!
- Cook your favourite recipe (or our secret one that we’ll send you) and ask your friends to do the same.
- Ask your guests to donate what they can, set a ticket price, or ask them to donate more to get their hands on the secret recipes!
- Enjoy a fun sense of togetherness, celebrating different traditions, flavours and smells.
- Send your donations to Oxfam, knowing you’re supporting communities around the world.
At Oxfam, we believe in the power of bringing people together to create impact, and this event does just that! Bring your friends, family members or colleagues together and hold your very own Secret Supper Club to raise money for Oxfam.
This is your moment to host the ultimate supper party, with a twist. This isn’t your usual supper party, this is one where you and your guests get to cook your very own ‘secret’ recipe to share with others. Whether you plan a relaxed dinner for a few friends at home, organise a big community get together in your local village hall or come together in the office with your colleagues, we are encouraging you to bring people together, cook your favourite recipes, and unite against inequality.
The difference your donation can make
Photo: Elizabeth Stevens/Oxfam
Just outside Manila, Philippines, Lorna Antiola and her friends transformed a space in a landfill site, into a beautiful garden, which they call the ‘Garden of Hope’. The women here grow fruit and vegetables to eat or sell. They share their profits, and give each other loans when they need them.
Lorna and her friends are part of an ‘urban food hive’, a group working with SecondMuse, AGREA, Oxfam, and other partners, supporting each other to grow enough healthy food for themselves and their families.
It makes me happy to see the plants growing and to be with a group of people who are also happy””
Mary Ann Base, Garden of Hope user
When we come together in solidarity, we can make a big impact.
- A £5 donation can support healthy and affordable food projects, like transforming neglected spaces into gardens in the Philippines
- A £10 donation can support sugarcane projects in Nepal, enabling sustainable income for communities
- A £25 donation can support farmers to develop sustainable farming methods in East Africa, building climate resilience
Remember… if you have any questions at all about your event, you can drop us an email at
Secret Supper Club
Bring people together, cook your favourite recipes, and unite against inequality.