Nana Kofi Acquah / Oxfam

Our corporate partners
Oxfam collaborates with a range of companies across various industries. These case studies show the scope and diversity of our partnerships.

Ahmad Tea
Ahmad Tea has supported Oxfam since 2010 by funding water projects.
Case study: Ahmad Tea

Arup works with Oxfam on innovative technical solutions to tackle complex humanitarian challenges.
Case study: Arup

Burberry and Oxfam have worked on education and employment opportunities in Burberry’s global supply chain.

eBay partners with Oxfam to promote ‘pre-loved’ items.
Case study: eBay

Laudes Foundation
Laudes Foundation supports a transformative programme to improve access to social protection for Cambodian garment workers.
Case study: Laudes Foundation

Marks and Spencer
The Oxfam and M&S Another Life scheme makes it even easier to give your unwanted clothes a second life.
Case study: M&S

Moomin sales in Oxfam shops support projects to promote equality of women and girls.
Case study: Moomin

Pentland brands
Pentland Brands supports work with the children of migrant works as well as donating excess stock for resale by Oxfam.
Case study: Pentland Brands

Romo family-run fabric and wallcovering company provides funding for education projects in DRC.
Case study: Romo

Sainsbury’s make donating unwanted clothing convenient for their customers.
Case study: Sainsbury's

Unilever has been working with Oxfam for over 20 years to contribute to a more socially inclusive world.
Case study: Unilever

Waterstones book sales help fund vital disaster response in Syria and Ukraine.
Case study: Waterstones