Alifa Begum and Lavly Akter at the store in Bangladesh where they sell fodder, supplements, and medicines for cows. Photo: Elizabeth Stevens/Oxfam.

Small business support for Oxfam
We know that more than 99% of all UK businesses are small and medium-sized enterprises, and many of them are very generous to Oxfam.
Streamline your support
We have found over time that the administration of corporate charity interactions can be time and resource intensive for smaller businesses that may not have dedicated corporate responsibility or sustainability teams.
For this reason, we want to highlight some resources that can significantly streamline the process to support Oxfam, whether by donations, product promotions, fundraising, or getting behind our campaigns to tackle poverty and the inequalities that drive it.
If you’re getting in touch from a smaller company, please consider these to lighten the administrative load while still connecting with us about your wonderful support.
Money you have raised or wish to make as a donation to Oxfam can be sent directly to Oxfam using our online donation form, which includes an option to give an organisational gift.
Fundraising for Oxfam
If you are planning a fundraising event, you can use these helpful templates, stories and images to plan and promote your event.
You pay in money you have raised from fundraising activities using our dedicated online fundraising payment form.
Sales fundraising for Oxfam
Contributing a portion of your proceeds or profits from sales of goods and services is a wonderful way to involve customers in supporting our work. It comes with legal requirements, however.
We are registered with Work for Good, an online service that will take you through the legal documents needed for sales fundraising in a few minutes.