Oxfam launches emergency appeal for Bangladesh floods

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- Short URL: https://www.oxfam.org.uk/mc/g7dgz6/

Oxfam has launched an emergency fundraising appeal to support its humanitarian response to some of the worst floods in Bangladesh’s recent history.

The severe floods have affected over 5.8 million people, left over 50 people dead and over 500,000 people displaced. Communities in 11 districts of Bangladesh, including Feni, Cumilla, Chittagong, and Sylhet, have seen their homes, infrastructure and agriculture extensively damaged. Water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities have been damaged and destroyed, posing severe health risks and raising the concern of water-borne diseases.

With roads blocked and electricity cut off, local responders are struggling to reach the millions of people who are stranded and in desperate need of support.

Oxfam and its partners are supporting people affected by the floods providing vital aid supplies including clean water, dry food and mobile charging points. But the scale of devastation and suffering means more funds are needed to increase the humanitarian response.

Ashish Damle, Oxfam in Bangladesh Country Director said: “We are calling on the international community to stand with the people most affected by these floods. We have already seen rapid and passionate emergency response efforts from the Bangladeshi diaspora worldwide, and urge the global community to act now.

“Millions of people across the Northeast of Bangladesh are struggling to survive, they have no clean water, their homes and farmland have been submerged and destroyed. This crisis highlights the harsh reality of climate change, where those least responsible are paying the highest price.

“We must support communities responding to this devastating crisis, reaching those people who are stranded and providing life-saving supplies, and in rebuilding water and sanitation infrastructure.”

Oxfam and its partners plan to provide shelter, sanitation, cash grants, hygiene and dignity kits, baby food and cooked meals to flood-affected communities. In addition, to facilitate long-term rehabilitation and the restoration of infrastructure such as water and sanitation facilities, shelters and community reconstruction.

Kader Joardar, a fish farmer from Feni district in Bangladesh, lost everything in the floods. Joarder said: "I took out loans and invested them into my pond for fish farming. The fish were thriving, but before I could harvest, the flood destroyed everything. My home is damaged, my livelihood is gone, and my future is uncertain. I watched helplessly as the fish were swept away. Now, I have nothing left and don't know how I'll repay the loans or rebuild."

All funds raised will aid a focused emergency response, predominantly in Feni, Noakhali, Chittagong, the Hill Tracts, and Moulvibazar.


For more information and interviews in the UK, please contact media.unit@oxfam.org.uk or 07748 761999

For more information and interviews in Bangladesh, please contact Md Sariful Islam, Head of Influencing, Communications, Advocacy and Media at mdsaislam@oxfam.org.uk or +8801915631608

Notes to editors:

Appeal Link: https://www.oxfam.org.uk/oxfam-in-action/current-emergencies/bangladesh-floods-appeal/

Bangladesh: Eastern Flash Floods 2024 Situation Report No. 02 (As of 30 August 2024)

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