REACTION: Oxfam response to the UK Government suspension of 30 out of 350 UK arms licences to Israel

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In response to the UK Government suspension of 30 out of 350 UK arms licences to Israel, Halima Begum, chief executive, Oxfam GB said:

“The government’s suspension of some weapons exports to Israel is welcome recognition of the clear risk that Israel is using UK arms in serious breaches of International Humanitarian Law in Gaza. But suspending just 30 licences out of 350, and crucially leaving loopholes for components in F-35 fighter jets that have been dropping 2,000-pound bombs on Palestinians for months now, is nowhere near adequate.

“In the time Parliament has been in recess alone, Oxfam estimates that over 1,100 people have been killed in Gaza by the Israeli military. By leaving a loophole that allows Israel to order weapons via third parties, the suspension is little more than window dressing. Stronger, more committed action from the UK Government is urgently needed, with a suspension of all arms exports and the closure of all loopholes.”


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