REACTION: UK Government resumes UNRWA funding

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Responding to the Foreign Secretary’s announcement that the UK Government will resume funding to UNRWA and commit £21 million in new funds for Gaza, Helen Stawski, Oxfam’s Policy Lead said:

“We welcome today’s important announcement, UNRWA is the backbone of the humanitarian aid effort in Gaza and their life-saving work has never been more critical. Almost the entire population of Gaza has been displaced and at risk of famine. Most public services have been destroyed and essential water supplies cut. It is hard to imagine a more apocalyptic environment that trapped civilians are being forced to endure.

“This is a critical first step in the UK Government’s reset in policy on Gaza. They must now follow up by halting all arms sales to Israel and using all its diplomatic might to help bring about an immediate, permanent ceasefire and allow full, unhindered access for humanitarian aid as well as the safe release of all hostages .”


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