Emergency appeal

Donate to Gaza and Lebanon

Last updated: 18 March 2025

Israel’s war on Gaza has taken a devastating toll on civilians and fuelled further Israeli escalations in violence in Lebanon and across the wider region.

Please donate today to ​​​support people who have lost everything in this crisis.

Your donation will help provide emergency food, clean water and hygiene kits in Gaza. And help people forced to flee their homes due to the violence in Lebanon.​​

Image: Oxfam

A map showing areas affected in Gaza and Lebanon

A map of Gaza, Lebanon and the wider region.

What's happening in Gaza?

  • Israel has breached the temporary ceasefire agreement that came into effect in January. The military has resumed airstrikes across Gaza, killing over 400 people and injuring hundreds more.
  • Since the beginning of the conflict tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed.
  • Gaza is once again under a full siege - all food, fuel, electricity and humanitarian aid has been cut off.
  • There is not enough clean, safe water in Gaza. Water and sanitation systems are shattered. The situation is desperate.
  • Many people remain living in makeshift tents and shelters.
  • Gaza's medical system is struggling to cope with the number of casualties and hospitals are critically low on supplies.

The most urgent needs in Gaza right now are water, food, medical supplies, and shelter.

What's happening in Lebanon?

  • Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon forced more than one million people to flee their homes.
  • A 60-day ceasefire agreement in Lebanon came into effect from 27 November 2024 which has now been extended.
  • People are in need of humanitarian aid. Many homes and villages have been destroyed.
  • Prior to this war, millions of people fleeing from the conflict in Syria sought refuge in Lebanon and are now returning to Syria in desperation but the situation is fragile and many are in need of vital support.

What is Oxfam doing in Gaza?

The Israeli military bombardment, destruction of infrastructure, and restriction on goods entering Gaza, has made a full-scale humanitarian response extremely difficult.

Despite huge obstacles, Oxfam staff and partners are responding as best they can and desperately waiting to scale up their humanitarian work as soon as more aid is allowed in.

Oxfam teams and partners have reached more than 1.2 million people with essential support since October 2023, including:

  • Emergency food assistance, food parcels, cash and vouchers.
  • Clean water and sanitation; by trucking in water and repairing badly damaged water and wastewater pipelines.
  • First aid kits, hygiene kits, protection kits and cleaning supplies.
  • Blankets, mattresses and sleeping mats to families forced to live in tents.

Oxfam has worked in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel since the 1950s. We have supported communities in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, to tackle the root causes of conflict, build resilience, and protect people’s rights.

Oxfam's early recovery work will focus on immediate needs. We will continue working with local partners helping people get life-saving support such as clean water, food and sanitation.

Our partners include:

The Palestinian Medical Relief Society, Juzoor, The Cultural & Free Thoughts Association, Palestinian Environmental Friends, Palestine Agricultural Relief Committee, Atfaluna, The Association for Woman and Child Protection, the Economic and Social Development Centre of Palestine, and Al Bayader.

"Life before the war was truly beautiful." - Duaa Image: Alef Multimedia Company/ Oxfam

The sound of the drones constantly buzzing never leaves us.”

– Duaa in her kitchen in Gaza.

What is Oxfam doing in Lebanon?

Oxfam is responding to humanitarian needs in Lebanon, providing essential support to people who were forced to flee due to Israeli airstrikes bombarding their homes and communities.

With our partners we are providing:

  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Emergency cash
  • Food
  • Hygiene kits
  • Menstrual kits

Oxfam and our partners are supporting internally displaced people in shelters in Beirut, Mount Lebanon and North Lebanon.

What else can you do to help?

Stand with us in our calls for accountability, justice, and lasting peace.

More on the Gaza crisis

How we spend your money

For every £1 you donate to this emergency appeal, we will allocate 9p of your donation to cover general support and running costs. There is a small chance that we will raise more money than is needed for this appeal. If this happens, we'll spend any additional funds on other Oxfam projects — wherever the need is greatest.