Pakistan Floods Appeal

"The [Pakistan] floods have been devastating for our villages and others as well. It seemed that the communities affected wouldn’t be able to recover but we are moving back to life. It rather seems like a miracle... if such clamities keep on hitting us then we need to think ahead of our times."

Ghulam Mustafa, who opened a shop with cash assistance from Oxfam through partner Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO), in Sindh, Pakistan.

Last year's historic levels of flooding in Pakistan saw homes, farms and infrastructure swept away.

Our partners responded through the disaster, working with communities to get people emergency shelter, clean water, food, healthcare, cash payments and livelihood support.

Last updated: 05 July 2024

How you can act with communities

  • Hygiene kits ready for distribution in Mozambique. Each kit consists of a bucket filled with useful items such as a water jug, soap, brush and washing powder.

    Emergency hygiene kits

    You can support people to protect themselves from deadly diseases in flood water.

  • Community led response

    Right now, communities are working together with our partners across Pakistan to plan a response.

  • Tameer e Khalaq Foundation worker Ashraf inspecting rows of emergency kits including buckets and blankets.

    Emergency food and shelter

    People’s homes and farmland have been swept away by the floods in Pakistan.

Why the Pakistan floods happened and how humanitarian responses are supporting

Climate change is posing a very real, very dangerous threat to the world. But in Pakistan, climate change worsens existing weaknesses in infrastructure, water management and early warning systems. Thousands of lives, from the high mountains of Gilgit Baltistan, down to the sandy deserts of Sindh are at stake.”

Sarah Zafar in Oxfam in Pakistan's The Burning Question podcast below, about the reality of climate change.

What are Oxfam partners doing in Pakistan?

Right now, our partners across Pakistan are working closely with the people and communities affected by the flooding.

Pakistan experienced eight devastating rainfalls over the monsoon season in 2022. The whole country was hit by severe flash flooding with regions in the west areas of Balochistan and Sindh the worst affected.

Roads, homes, crops, and livestock were washed away. Millions of people were left without shelter and many have lost their lives.

Pakistan’s climate change minister, Sherry Rehman, called the floods “a catastrophe of epic scale”, and the government declared a national emergency.

Please act in solidarity with communities hit by this disaster.

How we spend your money

For every £1 you donate to this emergency appeal, we will allocate 9p of your donation to cover general support and running costs. There is a small chance that we will raise more money than is needed for this appeal. If this happens, we'll spend any additional funds on other Oxfam projects – wherever the need is greatest.