World Bee day bee-friendly gifts
Did you know its World Bee Day 20 May? Check out our bee-kind gifts and learn more about what makes bees so special.
Bees at our service
By carrying pollen from one flower to another, bees and other pollinators enable not only the production of an abundance of fruits, nuts and seeds, but also more variety and better quality, contributing to food security and nutrition.
Pollination also has a positive impact on the environment in general, helping to maintain biodiversity and the vibrant ecosystems upon which agriculture and humanity depend. A wide variety of plants critical to human well-being and livelihoods require pollinators.
In fact, bees and other pollinators provide the important ecosystem service of ensuring out-crossing (that is, crossing genes) and, thus, reproduction of many cultivated and wild plants.
Lets help support our bees with these bee kind gifts...
Save the bees pin badge
Oxfam Online Shop

This bee pin badge has been designed exclusively for Sourced by Oxfam. A friendly reminder to ‘Save the Bees’ and a great addition to any outfit or bag.
Bee friendly wildflower seeds
Oxfam Online Shop

Sow these bee-friendly seeds in your window boxes, garden, allotment or any open green space to attract, feed and save bees.
The seeds become pollen rich wild flowers such as Cornflower, Corncockle, Corn Chamomile, Corn Marigold and Corn Poppy. An RHS Perfect for Pollinators Mix.
They are pesticide and insecticide free and 100% British Wild-Flowering Seeds.
Bee plant pot
Oxfam Online Shop

A bee plant pot! Ideal for table tops, window-ledges and bookshelves. It features bees and white flowers on a light purple background.
Backing beekeepers charity gift card
Oxfam Online Shop

This Bee the Change charity gift card is sweeter than honey.
Onano John collects honey from her hives in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea to sell in local markets.
Beekeeping provides a steady income for women in this community, and Oxfam's partners provide beginner bee kits as well as help for established beekeepers.
Oxfam's Women at Work programmes, including the beekeeping programmes, support women to push for respect, fairness and dignity at work, and to end gender-based violence in the workplace.
This means pressuring local and national government for lasting changes that will make things equal for women, as well as ending discrimination and harassment through law.
Money raised from the bee the change charity gift card helps Oxfam and our partners make work fairer for women across the world, including unpaid care workers here in the UK.
Thanks bees
For centuries bees have been the hardest working creatures on the planet, having benefited people, plants and the environment. So let's look after them!
The beekeeping project mentioned on the backing beekeepers charity gift card is partly funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.